see loris
at conexpo 2023

Please find us at CONexpo 2023, Las Vegas 
Convention Center, Tuesday, March 14th through 
Saturday, March 18th.  We will be in the 
North Hall, booth # N13121.

Experience the all-in-one Loris platform: Beacon + Software

Imagine hardware augmented with our software, plus proof 
of concept on premium USA job sites. Visit our booth and experience 
our Beacon & Application integration; ask for an 
augmented reality card — then take a virtual  Beacon home!

Safety, Security, Connectivity = Accountability

A handle we advocate for our customers and instill in our LORIS creed from the start. Let’s detail that belief.

No wires, ladders, or slip, trip, or fall hazards. Increase safety and reduce liability on job sites.

Equip your job site with the Loris mesh network to provide robust Wi-Fi — set up in minutes, not hours or days.

Secure a job site with automatic motion sensors + 360° cameras + AI + mobile notifications.

Meet the Loris team and its founders

Our booth will be hosted by the LORIS team. Meet the founders and learn how Loris solves job site challenges. Experience our 360˚customer engagement first hand.

They will be on the booth
Add them on LinkedIn to connect before the show.

Enjoy a discount code, only for 
our select Customers and Dealers.

We encourage your attendance at CONexpo 2023. 
Provided are show codes that SAVE on the standard entry.

Any questions...

Discount codes for our select attendees:
Customer Promo Code: LOR7457C
Dealer Promo Code: LOR7457D

Get the badge

Schedule a demo or sales interest now, 
and we’ll enter you in our Grill Giveaway*, 
then save a step at the show.

The show is all business... however next time on the job site,
imagine pulling out this grill for that next burger or steak.  
Reminder we’ll be at the North Hall at the Las Vegas Convention
Center, booth #N13121.

*A limited quantity of grills will be offered, LORIS reserves the right to limit entries
or close giveaway period during show period.

Scan our FAQs in advance of the event.

Provided are basic queries for pre-show planning for CONexpo 2023.

CONexpo who is eligible?
What wil be available at your LORIS booth during CONexpo?
Can I schedule a meeting or demo in advance of the show?
Will LORIS have any show promotions or pre-order incentives?